Desktop License (DTL)
A DTL is a perpetual license for one legal entity (single location) with fees depending on the actual number of users/computer units. A DTL grants the right to use our fonts in print, on-screen layouts, mock-ups, presentations, design templates (to supply non-editable artworks in PDFs) rasterised/vectorised logos, etc.. Please note: If the installation of our font software is necessary at a commercial printer or service bureau to reproduce a particular document, a separate license will be necessary.
Digital Ad Webfonts License (DAL)
A DAL is an annually renewable license for a Digital Marketing Communication with fees depending on the number of impressions. A DAL grants the rights to install the Font Software on a Server solely to generate content in a Digital Marketing Communication during the license term. Font embedding in Digital Marketing Communication needs to be made in a manner in which the Font Software cannot be fully or partially extracted. Our webfonts are developed for server hosting and come in a special web-only protected format: EOT, WOFF, WOFF2 and TTF with disabled desktop use. The customer also needs to make sure the fonts are embedded using the @font-face rule in the CSS code. For further details in how to embed our webfonts please download our EULA and proceed to §6, B, section 3.
Font Cloud License (FCL) — excluding development servers
A FCL grants the right to install our fonts on one cloud-based font managment client that enables a restricted group of remote users to generate documents (PDFs, rasterised images etc.) within one legal entity. While the final artwork can be downloaded, the licensed fonts may not be distributed or downloaded from the cloud-based font managment client. Please note: If the installation of our font software is necessary at a commercial printer or service bureau to reproduce a particular document, a separate license will be necessary.
Font Server License (FSL) — excluding development servers
A FSL grants the right to install our fonts on one local server that enables remote users to generate documents (PDFs, rasterised images etc.) within one legal entity. While the final artwork can be downloaded, the licensed fonts may not be distributed or downloaded from the server. Please note: If the installation of our font software is necessary at a commercial printer or service bureau to reproduce a particular document, a separate license will be necessary.
Webfonts License (WFL) — server self-hosting
A WFL is a perpetual license extension to our basic DTL. A WFL is a perpetual license that enables the user to install our fonts on a web server for the use on a website, valid for one domain per license. Fees depend on the website’s monthly pageviews. We offer three different license packages ranging from 50k, 500k to 5m PV/M. Please note: Our webfonts are developed for server hosting and come in a special web-only protected format: EOT, WOFF, WOFF2 and TTF with disabled desktop use. The customer also needs to make sure the fonts are embedded using the @font-face rule in the CSS code. For further details in how to embed our webfonts please download our EULA and proceed to §6, B, section 3.
App- and eBook License (AEL)
An AEL is a perpetual license that grants the right to use our fonts in an App or eBook. An AEL is valid for one title per license and needs to be acquired prior to first use.
PC Video Game License (VGL)
A VGL is a perpetual license and works as a license extension of the basic DTL that grants the right to use our fonts in a PC video game. A VGL is valid for one title and needs to be acquired prior to first use.
Video Streaming License (VSL)
A VSL is a temporary license involving annual fees that grants the right to use our fonts in online videos distributed on platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, vimeo etc. A VSL is a license extension of the basic DTL and needs to be acquired prior to first use.
Broadcast License (BCL)
A BCL is a temporary license involving annual fees that enables the use of our fonts in a film, a motion picture, a video or any on-screen application (incl. OTT) broadcast via television, movie theatres, at fairs/congresses, et-cetera. Fees depend on duration (of distribution) and territory. A BCL is an annually renewable license extension of our basic DTL and needs to be acquired prior to first use.
Corporate Typeface Licence (CTL)
A CTL offers maximum flexibility in how to install and use fonts by an entire corporation with unlimited users and locations, combining the rights granted by our Desktop- & Webfonts License (Selfhosting Webfonts, unlimited monthly pageviews), unlimited App- and Video Streaming Licenses. We offer three different CTL options: Standard, Custom and Basic.
Third Party Service License (TPSL) — available only in combination with a CTL
A TPSL is a license extension of an existing customer‘s CTL and valid only for a respective service bureau and its output of that customer’s jobs. Our TPSL offers a 50% discount on our DTL with final costs depending on the amount of users and computer units the fonts need to be installed in order to reproduce a respective artwork by an ad agency, printer, signage maker, etc..